Power Outage Risks

What Happens When the Power Goes Out?
Electrifying your home is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint and fight climate change. But can an all-electric home be comfortable and safe during a power outage? Absolutely!
This homeowner fact sheet and report lay out the details on what you need to know about potential risks and how to stay resilient during a power outage.
How do all-electric homes compare to homes with gas during a power outage?
In many respects, an all-electric home will perform much like one using natural gas. While some natural gas-fired systems for heating, hot water and cooking may continue to work under a power outage, many will not. This is owing to the fact that many gas-based systems rely on electricity for some of the core components that allows them to be lit or safely operated. Of course, both homes with electric and gas systems heating and hot water will lose the ability to use lights or appliances, as these run solely on electricity.
Is it possible to make homes more resilient to power outages?
Yes. There are both passive and active strategies that can be used to make occupants comfortable during power outages. Passive strategies that reduce temperature fluctuations and improve thermal comfort include adding insulation to the building envelope, optimizing window design, adding interior or exterior shading, making use of natural ventilation, and cool roof designs. Active strategies to improve thermal comfort include adding back-up power, heating, and/or cooking systems.
How often do power outages even happen in British Columbia?
While power outages can certainly be memorable, data shows that power outages – especially long ones – are actually rare in our province. During the last five years, the average length of outage for most BC Hydro customers who experienced an unplanned outage was only 4 hours or less. While urban areas experience very few long outages, rural areas can experience up to five times more prolonged outages (over 8 hours), making it important to consider the strategies that make the most sense based on your location, wants, and needs for those times that your home may be without power.
Read the full report to learn about:
- The likelihood of power outages in BC,
- How BC Hydro is adapting to changing climate conditions,
- The impacts of power outages in electrified homes,
- Improving resilience to power outages, and
- Back-up power strategies.